Reasons To Use Blogs In Your Business
What Are Reasons To Use Blogs In Your Business?
If you are new to on-line business you have probably considered some options for your best type of on-line platform! This article covers some reasons to use blogs in your business.
Have you taken a serious look at WordPress lately?
It is a full Customer Relationship Management (CRM) blog system freely available on-line and usually included with most hosting packages.
WordPress with a few simple tweaks……
…..has the capability to be a membership site, an online store, a review site, an article publishing site, a private collection and distribution site and a back-end work site. Maybe you could think of more things to do with it.
WordPress can be your main site and you can also use multiple installations of WordPress on one site for specific reasons.
Multiple WordPress Installations Will Give You Enough Reasons To Use Blogs In Your Business
One really good reason to have it set up this way is you can delegate people working within their own area of the site, as a separate blog installation. (IE Store, Main Site, Blog, Sales, Support)
Another great reason concerns search marketing, or SEO.
Once you break up the areas of your site into specific groups with different information, products and services, you now have more specific visibility on the Web and to search engines. That equates to a higher likelihood of generating more site traffic, capturing more site visitor information, building one or more customer email lists and possibly more sales.
Site speed and ease of use are important matters too….
…..since it is a known fact that visitors expect to find what they are searching for almost immediately.
Most visitors spend very little time looking for what they want and more time looking at and researching what they have found, so it is always in the best interest of your business to keep a close eye on the parallel of what your business offers and what folks are searching for.
In the Internet world people find things on the basis of search relevance.
As a business with a product or service, it just stands to reason, if you have five or more different ways at your site for a searching visitor to find your business, product or service on the Internet, your odds of capturing that searching visitor as a customer are increased.
That is just from your site and in addition to any social media aspects, which are also quite relevant today too! But again that is on the basis of the search results of their specific search and the relevance of what you offer.
From an Internet marketing professional’s point of view…..
in the Internet marketing business world, it is a fact that you find what people are searching for, prepare a presentation and push that presentation in front of the current traffic searching for it.
When you have the solution to the problem, all you need to do is get that solution in front of people (ie. traffic) looking for it!
With a blog, you can qualify incoming traffic by asking questions and collecting answers.
Collecting answers should also require all respondents to provide their email address and any other relevant information you need from your list subscribers.
Finding and qualifying prospects through at least one Q&A method is a great strategy for getting sales from traffic that is following trending issues.
Building a loyal list of email subscriber’s requires providing more than just what a person is looking for today. Sure, a person may sign up for your list and even possibly buy something from you.
But in order to retain that subscriber for a long time it is in your best interest to identify as much as possible what your list subscribers want from you, otherwise they will just ignore your messages or even worse just unsubscribe.
Once you do have a list though, it cannot hurt to randomly Q & A the list, especially if you are looking to build an effective long term loyal subscriber list.
Blogs can be used to build out information on-line.
Over time, blogs based on what your business, product or service is about, help identify your ideal prospects or customers.
Ideal prospects, as well as potential customers need to be able to relate to what you publish on-line. search out more information about you or your business.
search then acquire that type of specifically targeted traffic and send it your business, product or service.
Another great reason for using blogs is knowledge. People are constantly seeking out knowledge, answers and solutions on the Internet. If your business is service oriented, you stand a good chance of garnering new customers just on the basis of the most relative information or solution. Once any visitor realizes your information is trustworthy, they will more than likely return to your site and rfer your site too! This is where viral media resources can catapult your business to another level, but realize it is based on prior existing information, consistency of quality and of course the response of all your on-line exposure and customer support group.
Blogging platforms usually run much faster and cleaner when they have a low overhead and that is why so many people choose them.
Breaking up segments of your business into niche areas that can be managed by folks keeps delegation of tasks quite clear, while allowing employees or contracted organizations to work independently, yet in concert with your overall business activities.
Article written by Salvatore Zingale
Sal provides local support to customers in Cleveland, Ohio and solutions to put your business, products and services on the Internet.

Author: HostMan
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