Quick Niches For Developing An Online Business
Itching To Niche?
If you are itching to write something that you are passionate about, you may be sitting on your own best niche and not even knowing it.
Maybe you do realize you have something and might just lack the ability to string it all together, in order to offer it as a product or service.
Once you understand what you have and can apply some kind of presentation to the “How-To” methods for marketing to who, where and when for presentation, you will at the very least have a skill set to use for the future.
Please remember though, marketing and sales, just like everything else in life, is not for everyone. As a business owner, it is important to understand and oversee, if you decide that sales and marketing may not be in your best interest, when running your business.
It just stands to reason that the more you struggle with particular issues as you grow your business, the longer it is going to take you to get things done.
A business structure determines what you do for your business. The things that you find harder to do can slow you down. In business, it is important to consider assigning or delegating tasks to trusted business associates and just oversee the task.
If you expect to enjoy working your business by continuing to do what is best for your business, you certainly don’t want something cluttering up your desk everyday, do you? Certainly not, so make sure you find business associates who can help you with certain tasks you do not want on your to do list. Delegate the tasks to your trusted resources and move on.
Getting Started with Your Niche
Go get one spiral notebook for your passionate interest and fill the pages up. Already use a word processor, then use that if you desire.
Using a spiral notebook is a good idea if you are just starting out and scribbling. Once you get rolling though, it is a heck of a lot easier to either write off-line at your pc, or on-line through a nice blog. Copying and pasting is a lot better than rewriting. Rewriting, copying and pasting also gets easier too, as you learn to do things faster.
This is the information age and the Internet is a vast expanse of information, created by many authors for good reasons and bad reasons. Marketing is a science in itself and in a civilized society, if you have any transferable skills you may be able to profit from them.
Creating a niche for a passion you have may even seem to be somewhat out of the question for you at the moment, but do not discount it as a possibility altogether. At least not until you have exhausted enough effort to prove that to yourself.
Not everyone is capable of writing. Not everyone is capable of writing about themselves. Not everyone is capable to write about what they do well. Not everyone is capable of writing about something else they know nothing about. But someone is always capable of writing anything, it just may not be you.
Keep in mind too that there are many talented and creative people out there that cannot write either. They are just good at doing something else. This is why you will find very good programmers with only technical sites and others with very detailed information about what they do.
It does take a special person to create a process and be able to write about or document everything along the way, so that others can understand it. If you are considering a very small business of your own, creating a niche based on your passion is a good way to get started.
For most of us, a niche is not something you can cook up over the weekend. For example, this portion of this site is a niche in itself. This area of the Very Small Business sites is designated for articles. Articles for very small business is a niche in itself. A group of articles can all contribute to a niche, just as this current set of published articles focuses further on a getting started niche.
Of course creating, designing and optimizing content for your niche may not be what you do best either, but until you try to do it, you will not know.
On the other hand, when running your business, you should already be writing things down, just so you understand what you are doing and what others are doing for you. But, this does not mean, you posses the capability to write for others to understand things. It is very important that you have a grasp on what you are doing, whether those working with you understand it immediately or not. Eventually you will learn to clarify what you express to others to do for you, in order to run your business effectively.
How much time do you spend with your hobby?
If you break up a an 8 hour work day into 15 minute segments for a year, you will have 6400 fifteen minute segments. If you use one 15 segment to focus on a task every day for 200 work days, does that make you an expert in your field?
That is roughly 50 hours of time you have put in all year towards your hobby or task. In business, it is bit of a rat race you know. Everybody is trying to get as much as possible done quickly, so they have time for non-work related activities.
Time and the management of it are important. Now think for a moment just how much time you have put into anything that you have enjoyed for the last year. Sit down and calculate just how much time that was. The easiest way for you to spot a niche that you are passionate about is to take a look at the time you have put into the things you have been doing. This applies whether you have been focusing on 15 minute segments in your business or are just pursuing a hobby. In either case, you can identify what you have been doing and how much time you are spending doing it.
Of course there are many different ways to pursue things, especially when you consider the creative aspect of things. Creativity is not something locked into a 9 to 5 job. The odds are if you are passionate about your work, you are passionate about your personal life and vice versa.
The point is to uncover a quick niche that works for you and can complement everything else you are already doing. What good is implementing and working with issues that keep you struggling? Struggling with with some issues must be done, but for what and how long? Define what and for how long. There will always be a learning curve and even more of an adaptive learning curve when it comes to business, but the time you put into anything is critical.
What is left for you to do?
In today’s economy, if you are going to create any kind of on-line business for yourself, whether it is in products or services, you will need to identify a niche for your product, service, brand, business or yourself. It stands to reason if you can do this for yourself, you can move forward and then it is quite possible that you can help others too.
Once people realize that there is money to be made in having their own on-line business and they see you doing it, then just because it involves money and earning a living, they will want to know about it. Everybody, by nature, wants to know how make money and especially if they can their own business, too.
The bottom line with having an on-line business is answering the question, “Have you made any money yet?”. When you can say “Yes” to this question and show others how they can do it too, then you are already partially positioned to profit. The most important thing to do is to get the word out about what you are doing. (ie..Marketing)
If you are not your own commodity (ie..services) and struggling with moving product or services to an Internet business presence for your own business, your best vantage point for marketing is identifying niches that surround your products or services. For example, if own a dog kennel, you may want to help others set up and run their own dog kennel. Maybe you have a list of resources and tips to help others. Maybe you can even help others write about their dog kennel business in some way. The basic trick is to find little ways to help others without hindering them.
There are very fine lines between telling someone what to do, showing someone what must be done and doing things for others. In business, there is a very fine line between being an employee and defining yourself as an expert or consultant to an industry. Once you spot something you may be able to work with as an independent business person, then consider a niche for it and work it.
Some Niches To Consider
Love To Read?
How about reviewing and selling books then?
Love to Work on Cars?
Is there something special you do that no one else does with cars, that people might want or like to know about?
Love To Write?
Can you write for others? Some people have a hard time writing about anything?
Could help them?
Love Poetry?
Can you put it into print on an Internet site?
Like Talking?
Okay, make MP3 files then and publish those.
Like Movies?
Okay, make some small movies then.
Like Cooking?
Do you have set of special recipes for various foods that people may like?
Once You Have Something In Mind For Your Niche? Use it or lose It, because someone else will, if you don’t.
Article written by Salvatore Zingale
Sal provides local support to customers in Cleveland, Ohio and solutions to put your business, products and services on the Internet.

Author: HostMan
Salvatore Zingale's articles imported from Host On-Line Shop For Publication At This Site.
This author has published 7 articles so far.