Search Engine Optimization SEO For Your Product
Search Engine Optimization or SEO for your product does include just about everything you can do in the article SEO For Your Site and more information specifically targeted to a product. Product is also considered Service for the purpose of this article.
Product or service marketing focuses on the features, benefits and unique qualities of a product or service.
Take a moment and think of something you have around the house that you really like and use everyday. Did you go to any old store to get it? In today’s economy the larger stores have just about anything you could think of, except possibly the one thing you came for and wanted to get. Larger manufacturers and service providers have deep pockets for advertising but if you can’t find that exact product, then you may end up settling for a second choice.
Stores stock their shelves with products that sell whether or not that is the product you want. Products that fly off the shelves as fast they get stocked are the ones the stores are going to sell. That continues to happen as long as the store is profiting well and reorders from a distributor that is pushing a manufacturer to make more. The customer gets what they want and everyone in the supply chain is working and benefiting because of the demand.
Products and services are found rather quickly on the Internet these days. A product or service usually has a unique name or trademark which makes them readily identifiable amongst all else. Thanks to the Internet and e-commerce, that product you thought you would get at the store may already be sold out on-line before you get there. Most good stores will usually have reserved quantities for direct sales and on-line sales of any hot product.
So how does this all relate to SEO for a product?
Well it stands to reason that if you have a unique and desirable product and there is very little or no competition for it, you should be able to easily sell it. Creating different pages for your product or service is one way to multiply your sales effort. You may have only one page at your site for the product but that does not mean you cannot have more separate or individual pages designed to capture the attention of potential customers for the product. Every single page can and will be found by a search engine, if you let that happen. The more unique each page is, the better.
Now think about this for a moment. You walk into a room of 100 people, open your bag, place some items on a table, pass out 100 sheets of paper and ask everyone to write down as much information as they can about what they see on the table. Of course everyone should be able to basically name the items, but everyone is not going to describe things in the same way.
The point is you will need to describe your product in as many different ways as possible across many pages because no two people are going to look for things in the same way, unless you keep running tv and radio commercials and reminding every one, which isn’t an option for most very small businesses. Basically having more pages, not too much, but more will help people find your product in different ways.
Yes you can and should change page titles, names, descriptions and key words in each of the different pages. Reordering the same information for key words or phrases will cause search engines to see things a little differently and present those pages to searchers looking for things a little differently. It also is definitely a really good idea to create a large pool of key terms and phrases for your products. Intersperse groups of that information across all of your pages.
Were you looking for ways to get your product listed on the first pages of search engine results?
The basics of SEO for your product are covered in this article and in another article for your site. If your product is unique enough then depending on how fast your pages are indexed and analyzed, by search engines visiting your site, determines how soon and where the pages will appear.
How can you be sure to possibly get some kind of effective results for your product?
Well before you do anything in this article, try using a few search engines to search for your product right now. Try to use terms and phrases that you would expect potential customers to use if they were looking for what you have. The short answer there is, the less results you get back for any search today means there will possibly be room tomorrow for some of your pages as part of those results. Some words of caution here though. Key terms and phrases are sold by marketing companies to help people get their products noticed and sold (PPC or pay per click). Search engines use pieces of software written by programmers and phrases that are run through them are captured in reports, so things can change at any time. For the most part though, if you are lucky enough to find few results on your searches, then you know what to put into your pages to have them appear there.
This article does give you some useful information to help get your product noticed, but overall SEO is a very large topic in itself, as well as very competitive one.

Author: HostMan
Salvatore Zingale's articles imported from Host On-Line Shop For Publication At This Site.
This author has published 7 articles so far.