Working With Private Label Rights Content
Working with private label rights content is rather easy when you follow a few simple rules.
Okay you found some articles relative to your business and you now have private label rights to change them, put your name on them and basically do what you want with them. Is that working out for you?
Did you at least rewrite the articles and tailor the information as you see fit for the intended purpose?
Did you pay attention to your site description, title, page name and other issues related to SEO for your site?
Did you also change or rearrange the content in your article so that it is unique?
PLR articles are great to work with, but search engines are looking for unique content and PLR articles are only unique if you are the only one who paid for and received that content. More than likely any free or paid for PLR content is not unique to just you, so you are required to make it unique for your purpose.
The fastest way to have your site just seem to disappear into oblivion is to use unedited PLR articles that have been resold to many. It is called duplicate content and if it isn’t actually your content and more like someone else’s content that you decided to cut and paste, well you may get some initial exposure, but you are sacrificing trust and long term unique exposure through search engines, for a quick fix.
Rewrite those PLR articles as best as you can or go find someone who can help you and make sure that at least twenty-five percent or more of each article is added to, changed or rewritten. Of course the higher percentage you deviate from the original article, the more likely the article will become unique and much more appreciated by the search engines.
Also of course, people searching for the information and reading it will help too, but it is probably best for you to monitor where your articles are coming up in the search engine pages once in a while too.
You are trying to market to a specific customer for your business, product or service. Your article content is just one more step in gaining trust for your business and uniquely identifying you, the business, product or service.

Author: HostMan
Salvatore Zingale's articles imported from Host On-Line Shop For Publication At This Site.
This author has published 7 articles so far.